The first LPG powered car was driven in Fiji in the mid-70s. The Mazda Ute was converted from petrol to LPG was carried out by none other than the current Chairman, Harvie Probert. The first bowser for auto gas was in Walu Bay with Mobil. The Adoption of LPG was slow in the early days.
It was not until the twenty first century that LPG as a motor fuel took off in Fiji. Fiji Gas worked with taxi drivers and convinced them that it was in their interests to use a clean fuel. They also worked with the government to encourage the use of clean fuels in Fiji by making LPG powered cars duty free.
In 2006 the change in duty was made and since then LPG has grown enormously. Fiji Gas has more than 20 auto gas bowsers across Viti Levu. They opened their first bowser in Vanua Levu earlier this year and have plans to grow the number of auto gas outlets in the future.
At the turn of the century there were fewer than 100 LPG motor vehicles in Fiji. Now there are about 2,500. This growth has in LPG has come at the same time that the environment has become increasingly important to Fiji and the world. There is no worse picture for a tourist destination than to see a tourist in a taxi with a filthy exhaust. With auto gas that is a sight that no one will ever see.